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Textbook Translation
작성자 조현진 등록일 19.04.09 조회수 30

Textbook Translation:

He is the head of his own organization, Plant for the Planet.

Let's give him a big hand!

It's a student environmental organization. We're holding a campaign to plant millions of trees around the world.

What made you start this movement?

When I was ten, I read an article about Wangari Maathai, who is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. She devoted her whole life to planting millions of trees in Kenya. I was very impressed, and I've been planting trees with my friends since then.

It's about “action.” Climate change is putting the Earth in danger, but people don't do anything.

let's hear from your friends who are working hard around the world.

My friends and I hold a tree planting party every three months. Before planting trees, we watch environmental videos and talk about how serious global warming is.

The yellow sand has a bad effect on many people. So, my friends and I are making a wind-break forest in my country. We have been planting trees regularly there. This is only the beginning of a big project, but I hope our efforts will reduce the yellow sand problem.

Two years ago, my village was hit by a tsunami, which killed many animals and destroyed the forest. So, my friends and I have been planting thousands of trees.

Tropical rain forests in Africa and South America have been rapidly disappearing. I'm planning to plant trees there.

I want a lot of young volunteers around the world to participate in our campaign.


이전글 3과 Cross word Puzzle
다음글 Proper Words for Expressions.