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Proper Words for Expressions.
작성자 조현진 등록일 19.04.09 조회수 38

Proper Words for Expressions.

3-( ) No: Name:

1.A shelter in a garden that is made by growing plants over a frame. _________

2.A large printed notice or picture that you put on a wall for decoration or to announce or advertise something. _______________

3.A series of actions intended to produce political or social change. ____________

4.The planet on which we live. ___________

5.The place in which people live and work, including all the physical conditions that affect them. The conditions and influences in which people carry on a particular activity. The system that a computer or computer program operates in.


6.A group of people who have particular shared purpose or interest, for example a political party or charity. _______________

7.Someone who is much more intelligent or skillful than other people. ____________

8.The murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race. __________

9.A planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that is organized by a government, company, or other organization. _______________

10.A building for keeping a car in, especially one that is connected to or near a house. _____________

11.A piece of equipment, usually one that you hold in your hand, that is designed to do a particular type of work. _____________

12.Work that is done to fix something that is broken or damaged. _____________


이전글 Textbook Translation
다음글 2019년도 1학년 수업 How Special You are.