충주미덕중학교 로고이미지


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따끈 따끈 현장영어1
작성자 조현진 등록일 19.01.03 조회수 38

Attractive : 잘 생겼다(외모에 치중한 말)

Hit the point:

I like her personality. She(He) is so charming.

She has no personality. His personality is really boring.


I don`t want to burden you with my problem.

Why are you staring at me like that? you are making me uncomfortable.

My parents are verry pressuring me.

짜증난다. 삐졌다.

What harm have I done to you? Why are you taking it out on me?

You are getting on my nerves. You are making me mad. You are ticking me off.

You make me furious. I am so upset. I have had it up to here with you.


이전글 2019년도 1학년 수업 How Special You are.
다음글 Sub Plan2-2